What to Expect

OMT: Osteopathic manipulation treatment - hands-on system of treatment by physicians, designed to correct body dysfunction, eliminating or diminishing disease conditions. 

Quality Time: You get all of your doctor's time during your treatment session. You will have a safe and relaxed space to discuss your concerns and needs. 

Short to No Wait:  Everyone is looking forward to personal time with the doctor. Arrive at least 20 minutes before your scheduled appointment to have time for check-in. Then you and others will start on time. 

Gentle, Attentive Care: I will listen to you, be open to your concerns and offer you support. I will educate and explain with kindness and empathy. I have gentle hands and will not give you a rough treatment.

Finding the Cause: With osteopathic care, you get a treatment plan that is truly custom-tailored. Not only to your diagnosis, but to how you arrived at your diagnosis. Not everyone with knee pain or heartburn, for example, has it from the same cause.

Love for Natural Foods & Remedies: Your nutrient building blocks and therapies should support life, not take away from it. Modern medicine and procedures have high value - but one has to know when to apply them.

Autonomy: Your body is your body. Most people have an intuitive sense of what can make them feel good and what is right for them. I will advise and admonish constructively, but you will ultimately make the choices that are best for your circumstance. 



I didn't want to be an herbalist, but I didn't want to be a regular doctor either. When I first read about osteopathic medicine, the drastic healing it brought and the change it made in people's lives, I was sold within three days. 

Coming from a marketing and advertising background in NYC, I knew that pushing product wasn’t going to be my life’s work. So, I went back to school to get my pre-med and later graduated from Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. Having joined the Navy as well, I did my internship in family medicine at Naval Hospital Jacksonville and also served as an undersea medical officer. My specialty residency is osteopathic neuromusculoskeletal medicine.

Born in Hong Kong and raised in New York City, my parents modeled a healthy, cooking lifestyle that’s clean and tasteful for me. My appreciation for wholesome and medicinal nutrition follows me to this day. I also love design – tangible inspiration meeting human needs. Appreciating form, function and beauty – it is at this intersection that I pursue art, medicine and photography.

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